Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have relocated to the 15th; it is quiet and lovely--and remote.

As promised, I did take many pictures. Give me a little while to upload and sort through them. Only the best for you, coucous.

Meanwhile, I have received my iPhone. It took a lot of running around in digital circles on the French-only website (acknowledged even by the employees as onerous), and two trips to the Orange store armed only with my pathetic French, but it's finally up and running.

O, mes choux, I am a Believer.

Loving details soon. About France, I mean: not about the iPhone. Listening to someone rave about a new gadget has all the charm of listening to a new mother talking about Baby's First Everything. Or "cute" stories about someone's cat.

Meanwhile, off I go to the Sorbonne to get my class information. While I'm in the neighborhood, I will probably wander around in the neighborhood I do, as predicted, miss terribly.

À toute à l'heure. Je vous promets.

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