Saturday, September 18, 2010

Here in Paris

And much is happening. I promise, mes petits choux-choux, that I will post an unconscionably long dissertation in the next couple of days. I've kept faithful notes on the good, the bad and the ugly. It's been overwhelming, glorious, and très compliqué. 

To immerse oneself in a language in which one is barely proficient requires a great capacity for humility, frustration and constant mental effort. But it's been surprisingly good for me. I feel properly cleansed of hubris. I get to reinvent myself, to sketch a new self. Unfortunately, I must currently do so with crayons.

À très bientôt, mes amis.


  1. Yay! It is good to hear from you, ma cherie!

  2. Nothing wrong with crayons; they're bold and vibrant and shiny.

    Scott says: "One cannot be properly cleansed of hubris when one is living in Paris." I'm not convinced, though. ;)
