Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When I was a professor, I told students who were falling behind that their first priority was to keep up with the current reading and assignments; they could fill in the rest as they got time. Today, as I'm a student again, I think it's time I took my own advice. So instead of beginning in December, I'll begin with this Sunday, when Amy and I nipped out of Paris for a day trip in scenic Reims, Champagne.

Yes, that Champagne.

Reims, perhaps the most famous city in the Champagne region, has two main claims to fame: the proprietary beverage which, like Bordeaux or Côtes du Rhône, according to strict regulation, can only be called champagne if produced in that region; and the cathedral, where many French kings have been crowned. The TGV books it from Gare de l'Est to downtown Reims in a scant 45 minutes for 20-30 euros round trip at the student rate, depending on how far ahead one buys the tickets. Amy and I booked less than 48 hours in advance, more or less on a whim.

Millenia of history, minutes on the TGV. Welcome to modern Europe.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A lick and a promise

When I was younger and still living in my parents' house, my mother would refer to surface cleaning, the kind you did when you were either too busy or too lazy to break out the heavy duty cleaning products and roll up your sleeves, as "a lick and a promise."

This, mes lapins, is a lick and a promise. I have let you go too long without a peep, and want to let you know I'm still here, still Paris-ing, and have not forgotten you. A preponderance of photographs begs - begs, I tell you! - to be uploaded and shared, with copious commentary.

A hint of what lies in your reading future, among other assorted sweetmeats: my family's visit, a little of Germany, Paris during the holidays, and some reflections on the rentrée and finals season.

Now I leave you, to prepare myself something hot - milk with brandy and honey, perhaps, which is one of my favorite treats when I have a cold - and sleep. Tomorrow is my last final, and then I will have no excuse but to break out the iPhoto, roll up my sleeves, and begin to make up for lost time.

Bisous to all. A bientôt. I promise.